

This page contains important and detailed information about the Clarksville Youth 乐团(CYO). Please take the time to read through everything, and refer to it 整个学期. Suggestions for the orchestra program are welcomed and encouraged. 它是 through thoughtful feedback that the program will continue to improve and grow.​


The CYO is open to adult community members and invites string students who are currently in private lessons or participating in their school orchestra program to audition. Auditions will determine group placement and seating for each semester. 听力材料 for students includes a prepared excerpt, scales and sight-reading. 具体的试镜 详细信息将在上面的“试听”选项卡中提供. 


We use the following criteria to determine section assignments during the interview 会话/试镜:

We use the following criteria to determine section assignments for continuation throughout 每学期:


Students will receive a printed schedule at the first rehearsal. 即将到来的提醒 活动将通过电子邮件发送给家庭. 所有活动可能会发生变化. 出席 at regular rehearsal and all scheduled performances is required for participation 在管弦乐队.  


Please communicate with your conductor at the earliest possible moment if you (or your child) is not able to attend a rehearsal – preferably 24 hours before a rehearsal. 错过的排练不能补. 这是学生和家长的责任 to learn about the missed rehearsal from the stand partner/section chair.

In the rare case that conductors need to reschedule a rehearsal due to professional 约定,将安排一次化妆彩排. 学生将得到很好的通知 提前. Generally, these make-up rehearsals will be held on Saturdays or Sundays.


我们主要通过电子邮件沟通. 所有讲义都会通过电子邮件发给家长 有责任跟上日期和演出计划. 指挥家是至关重要的 are informed about absences prior to a performance so we can make sufficient re-arrangements. 一般查询可发送至c-yo@best-lasix.com. 关于缺勤的交流 specific questions and concerns should go directly to directors or coordinators at the contact information provided 在第一次排练时敬你.


There is a direct relationship between regular practice and student success. 父母 want to help their child establish a regular practice routine - free from distraction, assist with practicing and offer positive reinforcement, especially at the beginning 水平. If it is not possible to help directly, just being in the room while the child 实践是支持和鼓励的. 欢迎所有家长坐下来 参加排练.

学生每周至少要练习四到六天. 这样,学生们就会 have a better chance for successful 和积极的 learning experiences. 练习 for just a few minutes each day of the week is much more beneficial than practicing 就在一天中度过了好几个小时. 最重要的练习时间是之前的几天 排练结束后. 学生们应该准备好排练.


它是 essential that each student comes prepared to each rehearsal. 学生有责任心 把所有的(!)进行下列排练:



Parent volunteers are always welcome to help during rehearsals, organize public event 演出、演出前后的布置、郊游等. 任何帮助总是很大的 欣赏! To become a parent volunteer, please let us know by e-mailing us at c-yo@best-lasix.com, or contacting one of the coordinators directly using the contact information provided 在第一次排练时敬你. 



所有学生都可以参加 to demonstrate appropriate conduct and behavior that exhibits respect toward fellow participants, faculty, staff, and property before, during, and 在排练和音乐会之后. 如果有不适当的行为和/或行为, the director will contact the student’s parents or guardian to discuss the matter 并建议一个行动方案.


The use of cell phones and any other electronic or communication devices is strictly 禁止在任何排演期间.


All orchestra students, coaches, volunteers and employees shall have an environment 那是安全的,没有任何形式的欺凌. 霸凌是不能容忍的 在任何情况下. 乐团的氛围应该是鼓励的,支持的, 和积极的. 


预计学生5-10分钟到达. 排练开始前.  它是 the responsibility of the parent to see that each student arrives at and leaves from 安全的教学空间. 我们不能监督学生的到来或离开.  


Each Fall and Spring semester will conclude with a concert that is open to the public 这是我们的期末表演. 如果可能,我们将寻求 整个学期都没有其他表演机会. 所有学生都可以参加 参加学生音乐会和公共活动. 日期将会公布 at the beginning of each semester and will be available for reference in the "日历" 选项卡. Please communicate any scheduling concerns about performance dates 立即. 


我们的演出服装是 全黑. Men will wear long sleeve black shirts, black dress slacks, and black dress shoes. 男人不需要打领带. 女士们会穿黑色长裙或长袖黑色连衣裙 衬衫,黑色休闲裤和黑色鞋子.


The National Federation of Music Clubs Festivals program is designed to promote study, stimulate interest in American and world music literature, and encourage each participant 达到音乐成就的高标准. 这个节日不是竞争性的 event, but an opportunity to perform and receive evaluation from a judge. 这两个乐队 是否有资格参加并准备所需的作品. 内存是不需要的 没有额外的费用参加. 将提供另一份讲义 在一月份的排练中.


Rehearsals are a learning experience that requires the cooperation of the teacher, 家长和学生. To ensure a level of success in each student’s progress, each 参与流程的人员有具体职责:


