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Clarksville Youth Theatre


The Clarksville Youth Theatre (CYT) is a youth theatre program for ages 10-17 designed to give youth the opportunity to experience the process of putting a show together and performing in a show.

Rehearsals for the CYT are held weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30PM-7:30PM



The Clarksville Youth Theatre is excited to present its Spring 2024 production "Cinderella"

Performances will take place May 24-26 

Auditions for the CYT Spring 2024 Production will take place on January 12th from 5:00PM - 8:00PM. You can sign up for an audition slot HERE

Recorded Digital submissions can be sent to amosas@best-lasix.com, the deadline for online submissions is Thursday January 11th.

Auditions will require a memorized 30-second dramatic monologue.

Upon acceptance into the Clarksville Youth Theatre, there is a $150 tuition fee which covers the cost of instruction, costumes, any sets/props in the show, and a show themed t-shirt. The tuition fee is a one-time fee to be paid at the beginning of the semester.