
University Grounds and Lawn Use Guidelines

The Landscapes and Grounds of 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 are maintained for the use of the entire University community.  Our mission is to provide a safe, accessible, orderly and aesthetically pleasing environment for our community and to support the 大学的使命.  This policy refers to all university grounds including lawns, sidewalks, 停车场, roads and planting beds.  它是为了平衡而创造的 the maintenance of the grounds with the needs and use by the campus community.  We recognize that the community needs outdoor spaces to relax, recreate and socialize and we are happy to be able to provide those areas.  然而,规则是必须的 place in order to maintain the balance of use and maintenance.

All outdoor events other than class instruction, socializing and light recreation should be scheduled and approved through 大学的设施. (获取和使用 校园物业政策1:019)

Activities should not block any walkway or building entrance.

Individuals and Groups are expected to clean up after themselves and reduce their 对环境的影响.  Please deposit trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles.

With the exception of maintenance vehicles and equipment, no motorized vehicles shall be permitted on sidewalks, lawns or planted areas without prior approval from appropriate 校园代表.


Attaching a bicycle to anything other than a bike rack (light poles, trees, hand rails, 等.)是禁止的.

Walking of pets or service animals without a leash is prohibited.  请打扫干净 照顾你的动物.)

Organized team sports play is not allowed on the lawns.

Golfing is not allowed on the lawns.


Driving stakes or any excavations are prohibited without prior approval.  批准 may be obtained through the completion of a dig permit available at the 365bet Physical 植物.  Underground utilities and irrigation systems are located below the lawn and planting beds, some within 8” of the surface.

Tarps or other ground covers that could smother the turf are not allowed. 毯子 毛巾也是可以的.

No person shall injure, deface, remove, cut or damage any of the trees, plants, shrubs, turf, or structures belonging to the University.

Tents or other structures may not be erected without prior consent. 搭帐篷 and other temporary structures, prior approval must be obtained.  提交 facility request through the online system, would initiate the review.  (http://austinpeayevent.emscloudservice.com/web)

Smoking is prohibited unless in designated smoking areas (Smoking and Clean Air Policy 5:002)

No person shall climb up or rappel down any tree, building, or structure on University 财产.

Attachment of swings or ropes of any kind to trees or structures is prohibited.

吊床 are not to be attached to any trees on campus.  吊床站已就位 在马克碗.  No hammock shall be hung higher than 48” off the ground. 吊床 should be removed after use and not left overnight.

Posting of announcements (signs, banners, 等.) should be limited to 15 corrugated plastic signs on “H” frame, wire stands, or 3 banners per event. 横幅应是 attached in such a way that causes no damage to University 财产.  横幅和 signs shall be printed/painted with waterproof ink/paint.  公告不得 be posted more than 2 weeks prior to the event and must be removed within 1 business 活动结束后的第二天. 个人和/或组织 failing to remove their material will be charged for removal.  A minimum $25 charge will be assessed if university personnel have to clean up.  Charges not paid within seventy-two (72) hours following notice of such charges will be forwarded to the University Business Office to become a part of the individual's or group's financial record. http://www.阿卜苏.edu/university-facilities/reservations/postingguidelines.php

Chalking is only permitted on concrete or asphalt that is not covered by a shelter 并且可以被雨水冲走.  Chalking is not allowed on walls, windows, doors, 树木,或任何垂直表面.  粉笔必须可洗.  个人和/或组织 failing to comply will be charged for removal.  A minimum $25 charge will be assessed if university personnel have to clean up.  Charges not paid within seventy-two (72) hours following notice of such charges will be forwarded to the University Business Office to become a part of the individual's or group's financial record. http://www.阿卜苏.edu/university-facilities/reservations/postingguidelines.php


Grilling without prior approval is prohibited with the exception of permanently installed grills in the 住房 areas and Tailgating.  Tailgate grilling should be limited to 停车场. All grilling must occur in pre-determined areas that are away from buildings 可燃材料. LP (Liquid Propane) tanks should be appropriately sized.  No spare tanks shall be stored at or near any grilling operation.   便携式火 extinguisher must be within 20’ of any grill in use. 用过的木炭必须处理掉 of properly in a metal container provided by the Physical 植物. 提交设施 request through the online system, would initiate the review for approval.  (http://austinpeayevent.emscloudservice.com/web)   

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学’s Physical 植物 in conjunction with the appropriate offices reserves the right to prohibit use of grounds at any time due to weather/field conditions or maintenance requirements.  We expect the campus community to prioritize the safety of themselves and university 财产 in the use of the grounds.  因此, please respect our campus’ resources and the personnel and processes to maintain them.