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Supervisor Training Resources

We are so grateful for everyone who is providing supervision for 365bet students in their practicum and internships.  These resources are included here to help provide training and support for you as you supervise our students.  If you have additional questions about supervision or the practicum/internship process, please contact the program coordinator, Dr. Kim Coggins.

In order to meet CACREP accreditation requirements, all supervisors must show proof of receiving some form of supervision training.  If you have not received training or cannot provide proof of receiving supervision training, please take a few minutes to review the appropriate Supervision Training Module below.  At the end of each module there is a link to a brief quiz.  Once you have successfully completed the module and the quiz, we will send you a certificate of completion.  We will also keep this certificate on file as evidence that you have received some supervision training.


Supervising Clinical Mental Health Counseling Students:

This presentation includes information specific to providing supervision for clinical mental health students including expectations for practicum and internship, a description of culturally-competent supervision, ethical and legal standards, and an introduction to various models of supervision.  This presentation also describes the discrimination model for providing supervision, identifies various supervisor and supervisee roles, and explores experiences, challenges and professional issues involved in supervision

Clinical Mental Health Site Supervision Training Module: PowerPoint version

Clinical Mental Health Site Supervision Training Module: PDF version

 NOTE: Links to resources and the quiz are only available in the PowerPoint version.  If you are having trouble accessing the quiz, please email Dr. Kim Coggins for a link.


Supervising School Counseling Students:

This presentation includes information specific to providing supervision for school counseling students including expectations for practicum and internship, a description of culturally-competent supervision, ethical and legal standards, and an introduction to various models of supervision supervision approaches, 

School Counselor Site Supervision Training Module: PowerPoint version

School Counselor Site Supervision Training Module: PDF version

 NOTE: Links to resources and the quiz are only available in the PowerPoint version.  If you are having trouble accessing the quiz, please email Dr. Kim Coggins for a link