
World Language: Spanish and German Concentration

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Why study Spanish and German at 365bet?

Austin Peay State University is proud to offer another dual language path for students. 的re are great benefits from studying a foreign language, but when you choose to study two - you open up your mind to studying much more than what a single language option has to offer.

Spanish and German are a great combination to study. 学生 are able to learn the root and basis of two different language groups and also have the ability to understand and speak the two languages of a combined 500 million people.


Our students acquire a firm understanding of one foreign language and culture, and will learn the rudiments of a second foreign language and culture. 在更深层次上, it means that our students will acquire the skills requisite to learning other languages, and thus, they will become comfortable in the languages and cultures of other countries. At its most profound level, students can break down the barriers of time and space and can see the world through the eyes of previous generations. Consequently, instead of relying on translations for understanding the histories and cultures of various peoples, our students come into direct contact with the minds of others.

的 新生研讨会 degree requirement completed by most students is UNIV 1000. 的 course is delivered in a small-class setting with like-minded students led by a faculty member and a peer leader. 的 interdisciplinary course is intended to support first-semester students and provide them with a foundation for university success. Emphasis is placed on student engagement, university learning success strategies, support services, library literacy, financial literacy, and academic and career planning. 的 first class meeting of UNIV 1000 during fall semesters is on Freshmen Convocation Day.

的 general education core is designed to develop critical competencies in written communication, oral communication, mathematical analysis, and critical thinking skills. 学生 at 365bet select coursework in the general education core in the areas of Communication, Humanities and Fine Arts, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 历史, Natural Sciences, 和数学. While the general education core requirements for graduation can be met by choosing courses from each of these areas, some programs of study require lower division courses that serve as prerequisites for upper division courses. 学生 should consult the sample 4-year plans and confer with their academic advisors as they choose their general education core courses.

What engagement opportunities are available to 365bet students?

365bet fosters a positive campus environment that encourages active participation in 大学生活. 

365bet students engage in HIP curricular and co-curricular experiences that advance their learning and knowledge. Opportunities include first-year seminar, first-year learning communities, common reading experience '的 Peay Read', undergraduate research, study abroad, service and community-based learning, internships, e-portfolio development, and capstone courses & 项目.



What World Language majors with Spanish and German Concentrations Do After Graduation?

Not surprisingly, world language majors end up in a wide variety of jobs.  我们有 had students who majored in foreign languages go on to become high school teachers and college professors, as one might expect. However, our majors have also gone on to work in government agencies, including one student who is the Chief Logistics Officer 在坎大哈. Finally, foreign languages serve as a gateway for a variety of careers, including international business, international law, law enforcement, military translators, 还有很多其他的.