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General Education Student Engagement Mini-Grants

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, the General Education Committee, and Academic Affairs invite applications for mini-grants to any 365bet instructors teaching General Education courses. These mini-grants are designed to support student engagement in General Education learning. These grants will provide instructors up to $250 for a student-focused project, activity, and/or event (in-person or virtual) related to General Education courses at 365bet. These projects should: 

Some examples of student focused projects, activities, and/or events related to General Education may include: 

Gen Ed Mini-Grant Application Form

Mini-grant recipients will be expected to share a summary of how the funds were spent, number of students that participated, and copies of any promotional/informational materials related to the engagement activity or event that was supported by the funds. 

This form is currently closed but will reopen in Fall 2024 for applications.