


  根据1984年大会的一项法案,州政府雇员也有权享受同样的待遇 workers' compensation benefits that are provided to persons employed by private employers 在田纳西州. 这个法案规定了管理国家雇员的责任 Workers' Compensation Program in the Division of Claims Administration of the State 财政部.
   田纳西州的工人赔偿法旨在为员工提供福利 who are injured as the result of an accident which occurs in the course of employment. 没有明确的定义来描述什么时候是伤害,什么时候不是 可补偿的. 员工应该认真履行自己的职责 and report any conditions in the workplace which are hazardous to the Office of Environmental 健康与安全.
   本指南旨在作为工人赔偿计划的摘要 并没有涉及计划的每一个细节. 你有什么问题吗 this Program, please feel free to contact the Office of Environmental 健康与安全 at 931-221-6103 or the Division of Claims Administration at 615-741-2734 for further 信息.


     一般来说,雇员如果受雇,就有资格领取工人补偿福利 由国家发放工资支票.  通过合同得到补偿的人 跟州是没有资格的.


    The benefits provided under the Tennessee workers' compensation law are (1) payment of medical expenses directly related to the treatment of a 可补偿的 injury, (2) 支付临时伤残津贴代替你的工资,直到你能 to return to your job, (3) payment of permanent disability benefits if your 可补偿的 injury permanently lessens your ability to perform your job, and (4) death benefits 在你的可赔偿伤害导致的情况下,你的遗属可以得到哪些赔偿 你的死亡.


   如果员工发生工伤事故需要医疗,他/她 must choose a 提供者 who is authorized in the state’s workers’ compensation network. This will be the only physician authorized to treat the employee’s 可补偿的 injury. This means that the state will only accept and pay medical expenses submitted by this physician, unless the treating physician notifies CorVel that they have been referred 到另一位网络医生进行治疗. 国家不支付任何医疗费用 the employee incurs from a physician other than the treating physician or a network 他们是由主治医生介绍的. 在就医时, the employee should notify the doctor’s office that they were injured while at work and that they will be filing a claim for workers’ compensation benefits with the state.
   国家,作为你的雇主,有责任支付任何合理的医疗费用 expenses that the employee incurs in seeking medical treatment of his/her 可补偿的 injury from and authorized 提供者 from the state’s workers’ compensation preferred 供应商网络. 这意味着如果员工在工作中扭伤了脚踝 发生意外事故,国家将支付与治疗相关的医疗费用 脚踝. 但是,如果医生还治疗任何其他不相关的疾病 对可补偿性伤害他同时治疗可补偿性伤害,那么 国家只支付与医疗费用直接相关的部分 脚踝的治疗. 雇员和/或他们的保险公司负责 赔偿与可赔偿的伤害无关的任何医疗费用. 授权医生的姓名可致电1-866-245-8588从CorVel获得.
   国家不会为未经授权的非网络提供的任何治疗支付费用 提供者. 如果你从非网络提供者那里寻求治疗,你将负责 所有与治疗相关的账单.


   攻击工资是支付给因受伤而致残的雇员 对雇员在工作期间或工作之外发生的攻击行为负责.
   Members of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System (TCRS) who become permanently and totally disabled prior to eligibility for a service retirement allowance may be eligible for accidental disability benefits if their injury occurred in the performance 的责任. 联系 TCRS残疾办公室1-800-922-7772了解更多信息.


  遭遇工伤或工伤或工伤相关财产的员工 损坏应立即或在合理可行的情况下尽快报告事故 告诉他们的主管,到底发生了什么,怎么发生的,谁目睹了 事故,以及是否因事故而受伤. 如果你是 a witness to a work related accident where a fellow employee is injured severely enough 如果涉及的员工不能通知他/她的主管,你应该尝试 替他通知主管.
     Examples of incidents which may occur include, but are not limited to the following:

  • 涉及国有车辆的事故;
  • 涉及国有机器设备的事故、灾难;
  • 国家工作人员在其工作范围内发生的事故;
  • Accidents on state-owned or state controlled property; and
  • Injuries to state employees incurred within the scope of employment (workers compensation).


Compensation shall not be allowed for an injury or death due to any of the following 原因:

  1. 渎职;
  2. 故意自残,
  3. 中毒,
  4. 故意不使用或拒绝使用安全装置或履行法律规定的义务.


     主管或员工应立即与环境卫生部门联系 一旦发生事故,请拨打931-221-6103. 密切配合 will be required to ensure required forms are completed on a timely and accurate basis. In the event that the employee is unable to work due to the work related injury, The 请致电931-221-6103与环境健康与安全部门联系.
     员工负责提供主治医生提供的信息 向他/她的主管汇报他/她重返工作岗位的能力. 员工是否应该 elect to receive sick and annual pay rather than temporary total disability benefits, the employee should sign a statement that this is a voluntary election on their part and realize that they will not be eligible to receive temporary total disability benefits 在此期间. CorVel将为员工提供福利,直到他/她被释放 远离医生的照顾.


   如果你卷入了车祸, 遵循以下说明.


   如果员工没有拨打24/7电话,该机构/机构将受到处罚 求诊前护士排队(危及生命的紧急情况除外).  If 在0 - 1天内报告,该机构/机构符合规定.  如果在2中报告 日,该机构/机构将收到警告.  如在2天后或 此外,该机构/机构将被处以100美元的罚款. 


     聘请律师的一方必须支付律师费. 法律允许 律师可以收取所收到款项的20%. CorVel应该是 书面通知雇员律师的姓名和地址.


     如果雇员的可补偿伤害导致死亡,遗属是否合资格 在工人赔偿计划下的某些死亡抚恤金. 接收这些 benefits, the surviving spouse (or other surviving dependent) should contact The Office 环境健康与安全署,电话:931-221-6103. 环境卫生办公室 然后,安全将请求的信息转发给CorVel. 一旦信息 has been filed and any requested documentation has been provided, CorVel will be able to to determine if the employee's death was work related, and, if approved, payment 幸存者将开始.

  1. An employee must immediately notify his or her supervisor of any work-related injury.

  2. The supervisor will report the injury according to the instructions for filing a workers 通过拨打免费电话向管理员索赔. 护士 病例管理员将推荐治疗方案.

  3. 环境卫生办公室 and 安全 will review the documentation through CorVel’s workers compensation website and consult as necessary with the injured employee, supervisor, department administrator, division administrator (if applicable) and the Authorized Treating Physician to determine if a proposed Modified/Transitional Duty 工作分配是否合适.

  4. If a suitable Modified/Transitional Duty Assignment is identified, The Office of Environmental 健康与安全 will contact the employee to discuss the assignment, length of assignment, restrictions and expectations regarding the assignment, medical evaluations, and other 相关信息.

  5. 环境卫生办公室 and 安全 will communicate with the employee on a regular basis for updates and to support the employee through the transitional process.
  6. All medical appointments and injury/work status reports for the injured employee will be tracked, to the extent possible, by 环境卫生办公室 and 安全 and communicated by 环境卫生办公室 and 安全, to the employee’s 有关任何更新或更改.

  7. 环境卫生办公室 and 安全 will review the Modified/Transitional Duty Assignment every 30 calendar days to determine if the employee is still in transition 根据授权治疗医师的建议.

  8. If a supervisor encounters issues during the Modified/Transitional Duty Assignment, 主管应将此类问题报告给环境卫生和卫生办公室 安全. 环境健康与安全办公室将决定必要的改变 或者继续任务是否合适.
  9. Upon completion of the Modified/Transitional Duty Assignment, The Office of Environmental 健康与安全部门将协调员工恢复正常工作 用人部门将关闭复工档案