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Residency Appeals Committee

Membership: 5 Faculty, 1 Staff, 2 Students and 3 ex officio (Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment, Executive Director of Admissions and Registrar (or their designee).

Terms of Service: Members will serve a three-year term and can serve two consecutive terms.  When consecutive terms have been served, a three-year break must occur before serving again.

Description: The committee has the responsibility for assisting the Office of Admissions in the determination of student residency status of any student when a question arises concerning this matter. As part of the 365bet residency appeals process, the committee may be utilized by the Executive Director of Admissions to assist in the review of applications of students who may not meet the stated admissions requirements for the university. If the Executive Director of Admissions calls on this committee, and the committee chooses to waive certain aspects of the requirements, it may do so. The committee will meet at least once at the beginning of each semester; convening prior to Spring, Spring II, Summer, Fall and Fall II semesters as necessary. Additionally, the committee may meet at other times as necessary.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA)  

2023-2024 Membership

Name Area Department Service Term*
Dawn Michelle Rogers Faculty, CoSTEM Biology 2021-2024
Stephen Kershner, chair Faculty, CoAL Languages & Lit 2021-2024
Charmaine Lowe Faculty, CoE Teaching and Learning 2023-2026
Megan Kienzle Faculty, CoBHS Criminal Justice 2023-2026
Mary Dalton Faculty, CoSTEM Mathematics and Statistics 2023-2026
Jessica D'Alimonte Staff, Academic Affairs College of Business 2022-2025
Anna Bedwell Student Student Representative 2023-2024
Devin Malone Student Student Representative 2023-2024
Megan Mitchell Enrollment Management Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Permanent
ex officio
Amy Corlew  Enrollment Management Executive Director of Admissions Permanent
ex officio
Patrice Cheatham Enrollment Management Assistant Registrar on behalf of the Registrar

ex officio

*Appointment is September through August

For more information, contact:

Stephen Kershner Chair