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Financial Aid and Scholarships Appeal Board Committee

Membership: 2 Faculty, 2 Staff, faculty athletics representative, university advancement representative and 2 ex officio (executive director of student financial aid and scholarships, representative from athletics)

Description: This appeal board hears the following appeals:

  1. Those cases where students do not maintain appropriate grades to retain their scholarships. If students believe there has been an extenuating circumstance, they may appeal to the board in an effort to retain the scholarship.
  2. Those cases where students that are participating in the College Work-Study Program appeal decisions relative to their appointments to work positions.
  3. Those cases where students wish to appeal the non-renewal of athletic aid. This committee will meet when the director of financial aid deems it is appropriate or when a student files an appeal with the director.

The director of financial aid serves as a resource person.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA)

2023-2024 Membership:

Name Area Department Service Term
Randi Robinson, Chair Director Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Permanent
ex officio
Kristen Butler Faculty, CoBHS Nursing 2023-2024
Mary L. Dalton Faculty, CoSTEM Mathematics and Statistics 2023-2024
Mary Catherine Denmark Staff, College of Business Business 2023-2024
Lindsy Perry Staff, Student Affairs Greek Life 2023-2024
 Jennifer Thayer Faculty Athletics Representative Accounting, Finance, and Economics 2023-2026
Brad Averitt Assistant VP of Alumni and Annual Giving Alumni 2023-2024
Tara Pfeifler Patterson Athletic Representative Athletics ex officio

If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about the Financial Aid and Scholarships Appeal Board, please contact:

Randi Robinson, Chair
Email: robinsonr@best-lasix.com