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Professional Student Organizations

Austin Peay Student Chapter of the National Broadcasting Society (NBS - AERho)

The Department of Communication offers an Austin Peay chapter of the National Broadcasting Society - AERho the National Electronic Media Association, a professional organization for all those interested in electronic media.  

The chapter is advised by Professor David Ellison. Please contact him for more detailed information about membership via email at ellisondp@best-lasix.com.


Austin Peay Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) 

The Department of Communication and the Nashville Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America sponsor the Austin Peay chapter of PRSSA. The chapter is advised by Dr. Christina Hicks-Goldston and is operated by students who apply to the chapter for membership. To maintain membership, students must participate in chapter activities.

Student officers are elected, and members are active in fundraising and other special events as well as learning opportunities. Contact Dr. Christina Hicks-Goldston by email for more information at hicksgoldstonc@best-lasix.com.


365bet Student Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ)

The 365bet student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists is a professional organization for those interested in journalism. The chapter is facilitated by students who participate in meetings, conferences, workshops and campus activities. The purpose of this organization is to foster excellence in the field of journalism and promote high standards for journalists at Austin Peay.

Students interested in getting involved in SPJ at 365bet should contact student officers through PeayLink or Professor Amy Ritchart via email at ritcharta@best-lasix.com for more information or membership.