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CAFE Sponsored Part-time Instructors Professional Development Series

The Center for Advancement of Faculty Excellence hosts virtual sessions for all 365bet part-time instructors to learn more about the university, hone their teaching skills, and network with other faculty and staff on campus. These series are held throughout the academic year via Zoom. Sessions are recorded and available on this webpage for those who are unable to attend in person. For more information about the CAFE Sponsored Development Series or to suggest a topic for a future session, please contact Melissa Kates, CAFE Director, at cafe-fac@best-lasix.com

Part-time Instructor Professional Development Sessions

Austin Peay State University's online courses offer an interactive approach to education on a user-friendly platform. 

WATCH the zoom recording for the Distance Learning - Online Teaching Training Session for Adjunct and Part-time Instructors.

These are additional resources that encompass Distance Learning Activities and Best Practices for Teaching:

Austin Peay State University’s Writing Center provides assistance with any kind of writing.


From personal writing, to professional pieces like cover letters and job applications to academic writing, no matter the class subject or assignment. 


They assist all students: undergraduates, graduate students, full-time, part-time and those who are attending classes on main campus as well as Fort Campbell campus.


WATCH the zoom recording for the Writing and Learning Resource Center - Online Teaching Training Session for Part-time Instructors.


Writing Center Flier Spring 2023

Learning Resource Center is committed to the success of the students at 365bet. From peer tutoring, to the SLA program, and various workshop opportunities, we have programs to help you succeed at Austin Peay. 


WATCH the zoom recording for the Writing and Learning Resource Center - Online Teaching Training Session for Part-time Instructors.


Need A Peer Tutor - Learning Resource Center