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Welcome to the AP Academy Online Orientation Site!

Welcome to Austin Peay State University! We are delighted to have you as part of the Governor community. This orientation course is specifically designed for our adjunct, part-time, temporary, and dual enrollment instructors at 365bet to provide you with the necessary information that you need to be successful. To get started, simply click on the button below to move on to the next part of the orientation. You can also use the menu options on the left of your screen to navigate the orientation content. 

This section of the ASE website contains the online orientation portion of the AP Academy process. All new adjunct, part-time, temporary and dual enrollment instructors are required to complete this online portion and pass the corresponding quizzes with a score of at least 70%. Ideally, this orientation process should be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the instructor's first semester teaching.

If you have questions or need additional information (or technical assistance) please reach out to the Office of Academic Services & Engagement - we are here to help!  

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