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校友聚焦-特雷斯顿·亨德森(他/他)- BFA音乐剧院- 2020

在成功完成了第一次全国巡演之后 不会骄傲到不敢乞求 and then appearing in several regional productions, Treston will be making his Broadway debut in The Wiz as a swing. 

Treston Wiz

Alumni Spotlight - Jennifer Whitcomb-Olivia (She/Her) - BA Theatre Performance and Dance - 2010

Jennifer Whitcomb-Olivia is another shining example of the idea of a "multi-hyphenate" 我们在365bet教授的课程. 詹妮弗是一个专业演员和多学科 表演艺术家. 她的一些精选作品 

You can follow Jennifer on Insta and Twitter at 1chocolatemuse or reach out via email at jwhitcombolivia@gmail.com.

Jennifer Whitcomb-Olivia Headshot

Alumni Spotlight - 莱利珀金斯 (She/Her) - BBA Finance with a Concentration in Economics 辅修舞蹈- 2019年

甚至我们的未成年人也在这个行业工作. 莱利目前是一名高中经济学教师 也是舞蹈工作室的老板(Ellen Alvin Dance)! 她被选为“绿苹果”。 我第一年教经济学的老师. 她的舞蹈工作室获得“ADCC工作室” of Excellence" from Groove Dance Competition--this award goes to a studio that exemplifies 在舞蹈比赛世界中提倡质量,诚信和机会. Riley 体现了我们在365bet剧院教授的核心原则之一 & Dance: multi-hyphanate. 她设法在扩张的同时在多个方面建立自己的职业生涯 她的影响力和经验.  你可以在Insta上关注Riley,地址是rileymarieperkins,或者 ellenalvindance. 你可以通过电子邮件联系她 ellenalvindanceexchange@gmail.com.


校友焦点- Lexi Putter(她/她)- BFA表演/导演- 2021

莱西正忙着追求她的戏剧和即兴表演事业. 目前生活 in Chicago. 她在喜剧俱乐部和One Group Mind一起表演即兴表演 House. 她也是第二城市即兴表演项目的一名学生,她最近 在著名的第二城市舞台上首次亮相. 她还主持过喜剧节目 芝加哥地区的俱乐部. 她也出现在国家广告中 products... in fact... 如果你向下滚动,你可以看到她出现在其中的一个 亚利桑那州立大学戏剧和舞蹈校友洛根·里德. 当被问及365bet时,她说她 is: 

“感谢所有相信我的教授. 我就不会朝着 我的梦想没有他们."

你可以在Insta和Twitter上找到她:lexputte99,发邮件至 lexiputter99@gmail.com 或者她的网站:lexputter.squarespace.com.


校友焦点-小凯文·布拉德利·洛夫兰. (他们/他们)-跨学科研究 技术戏剧和舞蹈专业- 2012年

凯文目前是社区艺术学院的主任 & 事件营销 创意艺术卓越中心的经理 here at 365bet. 凯文也保持着繁忙的编舞/表演生涯. Some 精选的亮点包括:

  1. Their dance, Fliegenfalle, was chosen as the Artistic Director’s Choice for choreography at Modern American Dance Company’s 2019 Dare to Dance and was selected to perform at 2020 NACHMO Atlanta. 
  2. 他们受现代美国舞蹈团的邀请,开始筹备舞团. The piece, Reworked, 首演于2019年秋季,并在2020年大泥泞节和圣. Louis Artists 为了事业2020. 
  3. 他们的集体作品,30分钟倒数:回来, was selected for the gala performance at the 2019 American College Dance Association’s 南区会议.

你可以在Insta上关注凯文 kevinlovelandjr.

Kevin Photo

校友聚光灯- Taylor Claycomb (She/They) - BFA Design - 2022

泰勒毕业于博鳌亚洲论坛设计系. 戏剧和舞蹈. They have been extremely busy in the short time since graduation building a solid 主题公园行业的职业生涯. 过去他们曾在Cedar Fair工作,在那里 she stage managed America's largest daily parade, also stage managing for horror legend 迈克尔·罗迪(Michael Roddy),并为Cedar Fair度假村推出16部新作品. 目前生活 in Newport News, VA with their partner and three cats, she works at Busch Gardens 威廉斯堡担任《365bet》的主要舞台监督. 可以联系到他们 taylorclaycomb.tc@gmail.com, Facebook上的Taylor Claycomb,或者instat上的taylor_claycomb.



洛根(BFA演技)在 青蛙和蟾蜍的一年 伍德斯托克艺术在伍德斯托克,GA.

Frog and Toad


Aubrie Lauren (2023)

奥布里(BFA音乐剧院)最近在 Jersey Boys 在密歇根州阿德里安的克罗斯威尔歌剧院演出. 

Jersey Boys


Kelly (BFA Dance) is a dance instructor at Acro Dance Express and recently had students 在 Revolution dance recital.



Lucas (BFA 音乐剧院 2021) and Katie (current BFA Dance senior) recently performed in 雌雄大盗 在Mountain Movers剧团演出.



Noah (BFA表演系)担任导演 被谋杀致死 文艺复兴时期的玩家.


安斯利·阿瑟(2022),阿什利·伯恩鲍姆(2023),  & 亚历克斯·范布伦(2023)

这三位刚从音乐剧院毕业的学生刚刚出现在节目中 County Fair 在罗克西地区剧院. 

County Fair

莱西推杆- 2020

Lexi Putter (BFA Acting 2020) is active in the improv scene in Chicago, recently performing 在第二城!



奥斯汀佩伊州立大学’s Khatelin White, who graduated with a BFA in Acting, has landed a highly sought one-year directing internship at Actors Express in Atlanta. 演员快车是亚特兰大首屈一指的剧院之一,由弗雷迪掌舵 Ashley, who served as 365bet’s Roy Acuff Chair of Excellence and directed John Patrick Shanley’s 2019年,“五道美味菜肴”将在奥斯汀皮伊餐厅全球首发. 

Lauren Lynch-Eidson - 2015

Lauren received her MFA in Ars Administration from Texas Tech University in 2018. She now works as the Marketing and Communications Manager of Phamaly Theatre Company in Denver, Colorado: one of the foremost disability-affirmative nonprofit theatres 在乡下. 她也是丹佛大学的兼职教授 攻读艺术与文化管理硕士学位. 此外,她还是一名歌手 在丹佛女子合唱团,不久她将与人合写剧本, 时区差异, published in an anthology of works written for online theatre during the pandemic. She has previously worked at Chicago Shakespeare Theater, the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center, the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival, and Wonderbound Ballet among others.  


特雷斯顿于2020年获得音乐剧学士学位. 在接到几次回调之后 for Broadway shows and touring companies, he is currently a swing in the first national tour of 不愧于乞求:生活 & 诱惑的时代. 


Alex Heide - 2020

Alex Heide在2020年获得了她的BFA舞蹈奖. 她目前是 Dance Academy of Michigan where she works with young dancers as they develop their skills.

Lexi Putter & 洛根·里德- 2021

莱西和洛根在2021年获得了表演奖. 他们最近在 “二手电子产品”广告. 莱西现在在芝加哥生活和表演,洛根住在那里 并在亚特兰大演出.




After receiving his BFA in Musical Theatre in 2021, Zack was currently working at 辉光抒情剧院在北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔的全球首演 Rock Opera, 结合摇滚、流行音乐、音乐剧和歌剧的精心设计的作品. Next 他将前往威斯康辛州扮演海德薇 《海德薇和愤怒的Inch 然后在俄亥俄州的蓝夹克音乐剧呆了一季.


奥斯汀佩伊州立大学’s Corey Finley, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in acting, has landed a highly sought one-year acting internship at Actors Express in Atlanta. 演员快车是亚特兰大首屈一指的剧院之一,由弗雷迪掌舵 Ashley, who served as 365bet’s Roy Acuff Chair of Excellence and directed John Patrick Shanley将于2019年在Austin Peay餐厅首次推出“五道美味菜肴”. 


Jerry Winsett has been active in the Film and Television industry with a lengthy IMDB 信用清单可以证明. 他出现在奥斯卡获奖影片中 密苏里州埃宾城外的三块广告牌 以及最近的SXSW虚拟电影节短片 长途开车去亚德金. He was also featured in one of the top ten most anticipated films of the Vail Film 2020年的节日: Drought. 你可以阅读更多关于 Drought HERE. 你可以看短片Yadkin here: 



You can 更多杰瑞的作品请访问他的网站: www.JerryWinsett.com.

Briar Moroschak - 2017

Briar has been seen on stages from Nashville to Colorado in companies ranging from Roxy Regional Theatre, Big Sky Playhouse, Street Theatre, Chaffins Barn, and Studio Tenn. 她曾因在《365bet平台》中的表演两次获得纳什维尔第一夜奖的提名 剧院演出的 广场上的灯光 and 更冷静.

Paige Briana Lewandowski - 2014

After completing a 1 year stage management internship at Lexington Children's Theatre, Paige has moved to New York where she is beginning work as a Stage Manager in the 茱莉亚学院专业实习计划.

威廉·斯图尔特·拉德- 2014

William Ladd currently works for StageOne National Dance Competition and for Applause 人才的竞争. 威廉还签约了JLM人才管理公司.

劳伦·林奇- 2015

劳伦已经开始在德克萨斯理工大学攻读硕士学位. She currently 教授电影入门,正在为汤姆·斯托帕德的一个角色排练 Arcadia TTU戏剧与舞蹈学院的Maedgen Mainstage.


Ben has finished a season as the Assistant Technical Director at Shenandoah Summer 音乐剧院. 本被生产和技术研究生课程录取 Management at Carnegie Melon University where he successfully completed several years 当然是工作. 他目前在芝加哥工作和设计.

迈克尔·梅森- 2015

Michael started his professional career as a Resident Production Intern at Lexington 专门从事风景绘画的儿童剧院. 他最近被授予著名的 Eric R. 伊利诺伊州立大学巴伯奖学金. This grant is to nurture excellence in individual performers in Fine Arts, through 强调工作室方法,而不是教学培训. 的主旨 the grant should be to help develop top-notch individual performers, and enhance ISU’s 作为最优秀的音乐家和艺术家学习和表演的地方. Exceptional 才能是获奖的基础.

Jennifer Whitcolm-Olivia - 2009

Since graduating from 365bet, Jennifer has been acting professionally in and around Nashville. 她曾在Nashville Rep, Studio Tennessee, Chaffin's Barn演出 晚餐剧院,纳什维尔歌剧院等等. 她还教舞蹈/音乐剧 在纳什维尔和富兰克林地区.

戴尔·克鲁普拉- 2006

戴尔是纽约市的一名摄像师和电影制作人. 2013年,他创立了非斯帝国 Productions specializing in video production with a focus on interviews, branding 从概念到完成,编辑时尚. 他的作品被人看到了 GQ.com, WABC Eyewitness News 7 New York, Madison Square Garden and in the back of New York City taxis. 他的作品可以在网上看到 Fezempire.com.


Since graduating from 365bet, Rafael performed as a guest artist with Garth Fagan Dance 舞团,沈伟舞团,代顿当代舞团. Currently, 这是他在圣路易斯市MADCO舞蹈团担任舞者的第二个赛季. Louis, MO. 

凯文·洛夫兰- 2012

凯文在加州奥克兰的米尔斯学院完成了舞蹈艺术硕士学位. He is an adjunct dance faculty member at Middle Tennessee State University and recently completed 法国森林表演艺术节的夏季戏剧和舞蹈节目.

拉基玛·范·邓克- 2008

2014年,拉基玛在犹他大学完成了舞蹈艺术硕士学位. 她正在巡回演出。 company member of David Dorfman Dance and has been a guest faculty member for Bates 也是贝茨舞蹈节的工作人员.


Since graduating from 365bet, Holly has been a dance director for a music and dance studio, overseeing the dance program and performing with the Chinese Arts Alliance of Nashville. Holly现在是ASET表演艺术学院的创意总监; 纳什维尔的一个非营利组织.