
Selected 项目 Funded By the 可持续校园收费委员会 and Implemented 由365bet物理工厂提供


  • Sundquist LED Lighting - The hallways, stairwells and atrium of the science complex 升级到高效LED照明. 这包括300多个固定装置和 新的运动控制,关闭灯时,不使用. 
  • Student Internships - The committee supported two paid learning opportunities for 学生与校园可持续发展办公室合作. 
  • Solar Panel Upkeep - 365bet has two large solar systems on the main campus and three 农场和环境教育中心的小阵列. 这些系统收到 日常维护、清洗和零件更换. 
  • STARS Rating - Upon updating the campus 可持续性 Tracking and Assessment Rating System (STARS) report, it will be scored for comparison amongst peer institutions 并以此来衡量未来的成功. 
  • Campus Greenway - The city's expansive greenway system was connected to campus with the help of the Clarksville Montgomery County Community Health Foundation. 这条小路 从法里斯博士街的拐角处开始. 和罗柏大道.  
  • Maybry Concert Hall LED Lighting - This 项目 replaces 60 theater lighting units 使用led,估计可节省73%的能源. 减少的热量输出也将保存 其他设备和保护操作人员. 
  • Clement Auditorium Lighting - This 项目 replaced 40 theater lighting fixtures and added increased controls to increase 能源 efficiency in a space that is used daily.
  • Replace EV Charger - The existing electric vehicle station in the Technology building 停车场需要定期更换. 
  • New 回收 Bins- building across campus got a much needed overhaul to show a clear 关于什么可以在校园里回收的信息
  • 宿舍 回收 Upgrades- The Freshman dorms were outfitted with fresh 'Waste Stations' which engage 宿舍居民 
  • Parking Lot #21 LED upgrade- The lights in parking lot #21 have been upgraded to LED 大大减少能源消耗的灯. 
  • Wood Chipper- Physical plant bought a wood chipper to be able more sustainably manage 倒下的四肢
  • Sundquist Sub-meter - The metering consists of temperature and flow sensors in three closed-loop water systems (两个热水系统和一个冷冻水系统).  这提供了以下能力 to monitor the 能源 utilized in the Sundquist building and document changes through 节能工作. 
  • 365bet Compost Improvements- The Center for Service Learning and 社区参与 was awarded funding to purchase a carport to cover the finished compost pile and a 测量收集到的食物垃圾. 
  • 自行车共享计划 – Student Frank Burns, submitted this Great Green Idea that won in the large scale 项目类别. It was selected by the committee for funding and implementation 2018年秋季.
  • Alternative Spring Break – The Center for Service Learning and 社区参与 was awarded funding to support a spring break trip to work with Living Lands and Waters 清理密西西比河. 
  • 户外可持续发展标牌 – The 365bet Office of Campus 可持续性 was funded to design and fabricate ten outdoor signs highlighting sustainability 项目 implemented by faculty 和工作人员.
  • Greening the Dunn Center – The 365bet Office of Campus 可持续性 was awarded funds to increase the environmental practices of the Dunn Center with an additional bike rack, water bottle refill station, and sustainability marketing materials.
  • 原生草地装置 – The 365bet Department of Landscaping and Grounds was awarded funding for a landscaping 项目 called Native Meadow that is a storm water mitigation and fossil fuel reduction 项目.
  • 机构成员 Association for the Advancement of 可持续性 in Higher Education
  • Bike racks at strategic locations across campus – to support bikes rather than gas-powered 车辆
  • Matched a grant of $200,000 from the Clean Tennessee Energy Grant 程序 in the 田纳西州环境保护部 with $200,000 of Sustainable Campus Fee funds to install LED lighting in buildings 整个校园-节约能源.
  • 回收 bins for the Fortera Stadium sky boxes – to initiate a game-day recycling 程序
  • LED lighting in the MUC foyer – to reduce 能源 consumption and demonstrate conservation
  • Well and solar powered water pump at The Environmental Education Center – to demonstrate 可持续水管理措施
  • Physical Plant Centralized Irrigation Controller – to strategically reduce water consumption
  • Greek Village Solar Power-Dok picnic tables, and bicycle racks
  • Art Paper Cycle equipment - to recycle/reuse art paper as hand-crafted paper for art 项目
  • 8 . LED停车场照明th 和9th 街道地块-向社区展示能量
  • 灯塔 print management software – to reduce the consumption of paper, ink and toner, and 能源
  • Outdoor recycling bins for Starbucks – to increase waste diversion from the landfills
  • Remodel of Claxton Room 300 - to establish a model of sustainable practices where 学生学习
  • Motion sensors in the Foy Center - to reduce the use of lighting when there are no 居住者
  • LED stage lighting in the Mabry concert hall – to reduce 能源 consumption
  • Outdoor recycling bins – to accommodate the increased participation in recycling
  • 太阳伞在9th 街道停车场——支持使用可再生能源
  • Solar Power-Dok picnic tables at MUC and Greek Village – to support the use of renewable 能源
  • 电动汽车充电器 安装于9th Street Parking Lot – to demonstrate the use of renewable 能源
  • 水瓶补给站 - to encourage reusable water bottles rather than disposable bottles
  • 桑德奎斯特灌溉系统-节约用水
  • 循环再造计划-增加堆填区废物的分流                                                            
  • Earth Day Promotional event - to increase education and awareness on campus
  • Student Research Grant - to encourage students to pursue research in sustainability 区域
  • 洗手间设有红外线洗手站,以节约用水
  • Solar/Wind Project at The 365bet Farm and Environmental Education Center - to demonstrate 365bet使用可再生能源
  • Desk-side recycling bins – to make recycling an everyday practice for the campus faculty 和工作人员
  • 用于物理工厂的电动汽车 & 警察局-减少二氧化碳 排放
  • Dual-flush toilets in restrooms across campus - to conserve water