
Dr. Adriane米.F. 桑德斯

Dr. Adriane米.F. 桑德斯
副主席心理科学 & 咨询部门

(931) 221 - 7946 
门第217 B

I received my PhD in Experimental Psychology with a concentration in Industrial-Organizational 孟菲斯大学心理学教授. 我主要喜欢教学生 the fully online MSIO program, although I also enjoy teaching “on ground” 和 undergraduate 学生. In addition to teaching, I have served on various applied projects related to higher education, highway safety, healthcare, local business, 和 the U.S. 海军, 和 was previously affiliated with the Center for Research on Women at The University 孟菲斯.

My research 和 professional 利益 include work-life interaction (particularly in academia), graduate training 和 pedagogy in the psychological discipline, faculty 发展,和(工作)生活的质量. 她提倡使用实证研究 to empower folx to make informed decisions about their work life, well-being, health, 和安全.

更坦率地说, I love finding unique ways to apply my I-O training to my varied research 和 professional 利益. Below are research 和 service projects that demonstrate this endeavor. 






桑德斯,一. M. F.亨宁,J. B.麦卡蒂,T., & 格罗斯曼,R. (2020). 教育的挑战 training I-O graduate 学生 online: Not another COVID story. 工业组织心理学家, 58(2), http://www.SIOP.org/Research-Publications/Items-of-Interest/ArticleID/4757/ArtMID/19366/preview/true.

石头,N. J., & 桑德斯,一. M. F. (2020). Applying to graduate school: Preparation, processes, 和 looking beyond the 硕士学位. 在E. L. Shoenfelt (Ed.) Mastering industrial-organizational psychology: Training issues for master’s level 投入心理学家. 纽约:牛津大学出版社.


桑德斯,一. M. F., & 异食癖,E. (提交). 错误定罪与选择:对无罪者的看法 重返社会. 在E. D. 詹金斯t. 埃尔南德斯, & 伯格曼,M. E. (椅子), Imprisoned by stigma: The selection of previously incarcerated individuals. Symposium presentation submitted to the 2021 annual conference of the Society for 工业与组织心理学,新奥尔良,洛杉矶.

桑德斯,一. M. F. Whinghter, J .(主席., R.桑切斯,门德尔松,R.格罗斯曼,D., & 亨宁J. (提交). How 然而 can support online I-O programs: A conversation with the community. Alternative session presentation submitted to the 2021 annual conference of the Society 工业和组织心理学,新奥尔良,洛杉矶.

幸福,K.凯特,M., 桑德斯,一. M. F., Hurtado,我., & 艾耶U. (2020年9月). Using National College Health Assessment (NCHA) to better support vulnerable student 人口. Poster presentation presented at the annual conference of the Tennessee Public Health Association (TPHA; virtual conference).

桑德斯,一. M. F., & Keim,. C. (椅子). (2020年4月). Giving away I-O Psychology: How to volunteer your time 和 talent. Panel discussion accepted to the annual conference of the Society for Industrial 和 组织心理学,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州.

邀请演讲 & 研讨会

桑德斯. A.M.F. (2020年11月). 一种关怀的教学法. Invited faculty workshop for 365bet’s AP Academy spring orientation for new adjunct, 兼职和临时教师. 

桑德斯,一.M.F.巴特菲尔德,J.纽约州尼克斯迈耶(Knickmeyer.刘易斯,L。.墨菲,C., & 帕特里克,. (2020年8月). COVID-19时代的教学:一种关怀教学法. Invited faculty workshop for 365bet’s pre-semester training for Fall 2020. 

桑德斯,一. M. F.柯金斯,K., & 南卡罗来纳州弗瑞波J. A. 5月(2020). 在“新常态”下工作.应邀参加365bet人力资源开发研讨会 研讨会系列.

桑德斯,一. M. F., 门德尔松,R. A.惠特,J.萨尔特,n.n. P., & 欧洲蕨,D. W. 3月(2020). # OnlineInAHurry: Q速成班&A. 由然而的成员提出的公开出席的研讨会 教育和培训委员会COVID-19特设工作组.



  • DEI in I-O Psyc展望I-O心理学领域的未来 没有 a stronger emphasis on diversity, equity, 和 inclusion would not only be out of touch with what is needed in today’s organizations, but also out of touch with what is happening 在我们现在的社会中. 我知道,有些人可能会把这样的愿景解读为一种尝试 将这一领域纳入政治议程. 然而,充分代表了整个范围 of humans for whom we, as a discipline, work to support with science is simply best 实践. To better shape the field of I-O psychology, we must also focus on DEI in the recruitment 和 retention of individuals into the pipeline, namely graduate training. To be clear, I promote DEI in the broadest sense—certainly in terms of racial/ethnic, gender identity, 和 sexual orientation, but also for greater levels of I-O program 利益相关者(e.g., faculty, including adjunct/support faculty; 学生; 和 alumni), 程序类型(e).g., Master’s level, non-traditional, including online 和 hybrid; international; 和 I-O adjacent programs), 和 our practitioners in the field.



For I-O related news 和 articles as well as content related to grad school 和 courses, 在推特上关注我 @Dr_桑德斯_365bet (推特是我自己发的! 现在我有一个蹒跚学步的孩子,它们也有点不规律!)


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