
政策 & 程序

政策, 程序 and guidelines are established at different administrative levels to address a number of areas. Click 在 links below to see specific policies and/or 程序.

学生手册 is made available through 学生事务.

365bet email is the official means of communication at 365bet. Correspondence between the university and students will be sent to the students' 365bet email account (email 以@my结尾.阿卜苏.edu); other email accounts will not be utilized. Students are encouraged to check their 365bet email account on a regular basis.

第2部分 Code of Student Conduct states that "institutional disciplinary measures shall be imposed for conduct which adversely affects the University’s pursuit of its educational objectives, which violates or shows a disregard for the rights of other members of the academic community or which endangers property or persons on University, or University-controlled property."  Misconduct subject to disciplinary sanction can include but are not limited to hazing, discrimination, disorderly conduct, misuse/damage to property, theft, and academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, fabrication or collusion).

第三部分 Code of Student Conduct states that "Academic dishonesty may be defined as any act of dishonesty in academic 工作. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, the changing or falsifying of any academic documents or materials, cheating, and giving or receiving of unauthorized aid in tests, examinations, or other assigned 工作. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. Penalties for academic misconduct will vary with the seriousness of the offense and may include, but are not limited to, a grade of "F" 在 工作 in question, a grade of "F" in the course, reprimand, probation, suspension, and expulsion."

Any student that desires to resolve a grievance should review the information under the 程序 for Appeals and Complaints 部分 Code of Student Conduct.  If a resolution cannot be found, the student may file a complaint with one or more 下列的:

In order to offer distance education courses and programs in states other than Tennessee, all public institutions including Austin Peay State University must first comply with a state’s requirements to be authorized in that state legally.  授权各不相同 一个州到另一个州. 

365bet is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).  因此, online students outside of the state of Tennessee are able to take distance education courses and programs through 365bet as long as they are a resident in a SARA state.

365bet 远程教育 takes student 隐私 seriously by following federal, state, local, and institutional (Tennessee Board of Regents and Austin Peay State University) laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines. Specifically, members of the team are routinely updated and trained on any new 隐私 laws and policies, and part of an on-boarding process for new employees in the unit includes an orientation on student 隐私. 的 university bulletins, 学生手册, and official policies of the Tennessee Board of Regents and Austin Peay State University serve as guiding documents on 隐私 issues for the team and should be consulted by students as a guide to their rights and responsibilities.  Information is available under the 365bet Student Rights 部分 Code of Student Conduct.  Anyone with concerns about student 隐私 may directly contact the office of Student Affairs at (931) 221-7341.