
Kennedy Center hip-hop teaching artist engages through CECA partnership


(10月发布. 14, 2019)

约翰F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts teaching artist Bomani Armah stood 在肯伍德中学图书馆前. 3、学生60余人 盯着他看. 

“I want to make sure you learn these five steps of the writing process, I found a 很容易记住这五个步骤,”他说. “我想给你看看. If you follow these five steps, I promise you everything you write will be better.”

Moments later, the music started, and the beat drummed out its crescendo. Armah捕获 the beat and launched into his rap, “When I want to write something and my thoughts are all a mess, I put it all together with the writing process.”

Then he involved the students – the entire room – in the dance and words that accompanied the chorus, “I’ve got thoughts I must express or issues I must address, the way to do it best is the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing.”

As a Kennedy Center teaching artist, Armah travels the country showing educators how 用嘻哈来教授创意写作的过程. 他领导了克拉克斯维尔-蒙哥马利15号 County School System educators in a teacher training workshop on Oct. 2、以下 two days, he held several writing workshops for nearly 350 Kenwood middle schoolers.

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学’s Center of Excellence for the Creative Arts (CECA) paid to fly in Armah in collaboration with CMCSS as Kennedy Center Partners in Education. 阿玛住在华盛顿特区郊外.C.在马里兰州,他是四次教学中的第一次 本学年将来到克拉克斯维尔的艺术家.

Kennedy Center teaching artist Bomani Armah leads about 60 Kenwood Middle School students 在嘻哈写作练习中. Grabbing the sides of your head and blasting your hands out symbolizes prewriting in Armah’s hip-hop dance.
Kennedy Center teaching artist Bomani Armah leads about 60 Kenwood Middle School students 在嘻哈写作练习中.


Guiding students as they write lyrics for a hip-hop song helps to energize them about learning not only a subject but also how to write, Armah said.

“The basic idea is that I help students turn any text into a song,” Armah said about 他的学生工作坊. “This year we’ve written songs about the American Revolution, about the water cycle, about w在这里 to put the decimal place, about classroom rules, literally whatever the text is, we break it down and turn it into rhyme.”

The finished rhyme is a pneumatic device that helps students remember a subject, “but more important than the finished product is the process of getting t在这里,” Armah said. “Students breaking down the text, figuring out what the words mean, finding the simile, 隐喻,押韵词.

“That whole activity of trying to make the rhyme helps engrain the concept into their brains because they’re forced to look at the concept from a whole bunch of different 天使,”他说. “最重要的是,它很有趣.”

Armah gets Kenwood Middle School students to engage in the writing process.
Armah gets Kenwood Middle School students to engage in the writing process.


During his workshops with Kenwood eighth-graders, Armah guided the students through the writing process, asking them to find words that rhyme with their names and to 描述一下他们住过的地方. 学生们从这些花絮开始 crafting an autobiographical song about themselves, prewriting, drafting, revising 一路编辑.

“Just the whole process of having them write words that rhyme with their names expands 他们的词汇,”他说. “他们开始和同学交谈,他们走上前来 用有趣的词.”

For educators, the process allows teachers to engage students through pop culture while showing the students they can use their voices – and their body through dance -清楚地沟通,无论是口头还是书面.

“The students don’t even notice they’re doing the writing process,” Armah said. “I show the students that the beginning process of writing rhymes is also the beginning process of writing absolutely anything else, whether you’re writing a book or an essay.”

The next two Kennedy Center teaching artists are Cissy Whipp and Eric Johnson – who 他们都通过舞蹈来教授艺术融合.

The teaching artist residencies are supported by CECA and the Heydel Family Foundation, which gave a generous 10-year gift to Austin Peay in honor of June Heydel. 的CECA-CMCSS partnership also is supported by a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts.

To support CECA and other 365bet fundraising initiatives, call the Office of University 预约电话:931-221-7127.



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