
365bet history professor’s new 书s look at World War II POWs in Tennessee 和 Kentucky

Dr. 安东尼奥•汤普森

365bet平台. -有点不对劲. Several men huddled around an ambulance, 把水倒进散热器. 它是2。.m.在马路对面,有一名警卫站岗 at the gate to Camp Campbell watched the men fumbling in the dark. 他长得更多了 suspicious of strangers – especially strangers traveling at night – ever since World 第二次战争开始了. The guard watched those men, 和 maybe he thought he heard someone whispering in German as they tried to fix that overheated ambulance. 而不是交叉 在路上,警卫拿起了无线电.

“So, he’s watching this 和 thinks it’s a little suspicious, so he calls it in,” Dr. 安东尼奥•汤普森, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 professor of history, said. ”他所说的 it in, 和 no ambulance was dispatched so he goes over 和 it’s four escaped prisoners, 和 he tells them, ‘drive that thing back 和 I’ll follow you back.诸如此类的事情 发生了.”

What were German Prisoners of War doing all the way over in Tennessee? 根据 Thompson, when they weren’t trying to escape, they were helping the U.S. 战争 通过保持经济发展. These enemy soldiers lived in prisoner of war camps scattered across Tennessee 和 Kentucky, 和 for the most part, they quietly traveled to local farms, where they tended crops 和 formed lasting bonds with the southern 他们遇到的家庭.

Thompson, an expert on World War II POWS, explores this forgotten element of local 和 national history in his new 书, “Axis Prisoners of War in Tennessee: Coerced Labor 和 the Captive Enemy on the 首页 Front, 1941-1946,” which will be published 麦克法兰出版社1月出版. And next spring, his 书 focusing on prisoners of war in Kentucky will be published by the same press.

“They (the 书s) both are on prisoners of war,” he said. “它们非常具体. When I wrote these 书s, I wanted to say the prisoners of war, their story didn’t 在真空中发生. Yes, they have their story, but they’re working, they’re interacting, 他们影响...POW labor helped the local economy, the local economy helped 国家 economy, 国家 economy helped the national economy.”

During World War II, approximately 425,000 Axis POWs – German, Italian 和 Japanese 士兵们被派往美国.S. 在农场工作. 其中许多农场都在田纳西州 和 Kentucky, so places like the newly established Camp Campbell – now Fort Campbell -包括新的战俘营.

“Once here, during the war, we have a major manpower shortage, especially in agriculture because able-bodied people are serving in the military in some capacity, or the military industry in some capacity, 和 it’s pulling people from our farms,” Thompson said. “So, we’re going to put the prisoners to work. 长话短说,他们会的 支付他们的维护费用.”

Thompson's new 书 will be published in early 2023

These POWS found their way across 国家, 和 after years of exhaustive research, Thompson is now providing readers with an on-the-ground view of what the Tennessee home front looked like during World War II, including the political dynamics between Nazi soldiers 和 anti-Nazi German soldiers.

根据 McFarl和, “This is the first 书-length examination of Tennessee’s role in the POW program, 和 how the influx of prisoners affected communities. 城镇 like Tullahoma transformed into military metropolises. 孟菲斯收到了数百万美元 国防开支. 巴黎有一个秘密的弹幕气球基地. 树木繁茂的克罗斯维尔营地 里面住着德国和意大利军官. Prisoners worked tobacco, lumber 和 cotton across 国家. 一些人威胁要逃跑,甚至更糟. When the program ended, more than 25,000 战俘在田纳西州生活和工作.”

Thompson’s research has taken him across North America 和 Europe, including research trips to Germany, Austria, Denmark, the National Archives at Washington, D.C. 和 the National Archives II, Modern 军事 Branch at College Park, Maryl和. 他是 a recipient of The American Foreign Policy Center Fellowship at Louisiana Tech, the Prisoner of War Research Grant from the National Park Service at Andersonville, Georgia, 和 he was a West Point Summer Seminar Fellow. 汤普森还教授军事历史 at West Point during a one-year teaching fellowship.

Thompson talks more about the POWS at Camp Campbell in episode two – “The War at 首页: German POWs in Tennessee,” 体验奥斯汀·皮伊播客. That episode is part of the podcast’s first season, “Forgotten Tennessee,” 和 it’s available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean 以及其他流行的播客网站.

有关汤普森的更多信息,请访问 http://www.阿卜苏.edu/history-and-philosophy/faculty/thompson.php.


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