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Graduating scholars earn 365bet’s most prestigious student awards

By: Ethan Steinquest and Colby Wilson May 2, 2024


生物学大四学生艾玛·道尔顿(左)和历史学研究生玛德琳·汤普森 are recognized during the 365bet Student Organization and Leader Awards. | Photos by Sean McCully

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Two students preparing to graduate from Austin Peay State University (365bet) -生物学专业大四学生Emma Dalton和历史学专业研究生Madeline Thompson -最近在365bet期间获得了该大学最负盛名的学生荣誉 Student Organization and Leader Awards.

道尔顿获得了哈维公民奖,而汤普森则获得了威廉公民奖 McClure Drane Award. A panel of faculty members and selected staff chooses the recipients of both awards annually.


历史专业的毕业生玛德琳·汤普森帮助学生在地震期间绘制地陷 environmental science camp hosted at 365bet. | Photo by Sean McCully

德雷恩奖是颁发给毕业班的杰出成员 表彰他们的品格、学识、领导才能和对大学的服务. Thompson 是根据她在几个学生中的学术成就和领导能力而被选中的 organizations.

汤普森将于5月3日毕业,并获得历史文学硕士学位 her bachelor’s and associate degrees from Austin Peay. She has served in leadership Sigma国家领导与成功协会的职位(秘书) 卡帕姐妹会(泛希腊代表,DEI无障碍主席和副总裁 招募)和印度俱乐部(主席),并作为欧米克隆三角洲Kappa的成员, History Club and the English National Honor Society. In addition, Thompson was an 是Phi Alpha Theta历史荣誉协会的活跃成员,并担任编辑 for the 365bet chapter’s student-published Theta-Delta Journal.

“I was ecstatic when I heard that I had won the Drane Award,” she said. I’ve worked 在过去的五年里,我竭尽全力为奥斯汀·皮伊辩护 and to grow academically and as a person. We have amazing students, faculty and staff 在校园里,这样的环境很容易让人想要参与到校外活动中来 classroom.”

Thompson’s proudest achievement as a student was 在美国外交关系历史学家协会(SHAFR)发表演讲 in Arlington, Virginia, alongside her father, Dr. Antonio Thompson. SHAFR is a leading 会议上,汤普森一家是唯一的代表 Austin Peay.

“我很自豪能够代表365bet历史系和其他部门 establish myself as an academic,” Thompson said. “Everyone at the conference was encouraging 而且很容易交谈,对我这个初出茅庐的历史学家很有启发和帮助 to be around individuals with the same interest in foreign relations.”

除了她的学术追求,汤普森发现了通过社区服务的热情 her involvement with Sigma Kappa.

“这真的让我一直参与校园活动,因为我们做不同的慈善活动 give back each year through volunteering,” she said. “The campus Greek community as 一个整体将聚集在一起为不同的组织筹款和供应活动, and that’s been very impactful for me.”

毕业后,汤普森将进入田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校学习 获得了历史博士学位,她在那里的五年教育都得到了全额资助 years. 她的目标是扩大研究范围,最终成为一名历史教授.

“我最感兴趣的是美国早期历史和少数民族在其中扮演的角色 the American Revolution and the Civil War,” she said. “[I’ve previously researched] 德国黑森人参与美国独立战争,非裔美国人 fought in the Civil War under German American officers. My goal is to study individuals 谁在历史上没有被充分代表,并将他们的故事公之于众.”

通过分享这些故事,汤普森希望增加公众对 early American history while inspiring the next generation of historians.

“我想在像365bet这样鼓励个人参观国家博物馆的学校工作 档案,在会议上展示他们的作品或前往历史地点 learn more about their research interests,” she said. But I also want to be able to 教育和激发年轻人的思想,让他们对历史充满热情,并鼓励他们 to go into the field.”


生物学专业的Emma Dalton和朋友们一起在365bet的艺术与设计学院学习 Building. | Photo by Madison Casey

哈维尔奖每年颁发给在学业上有突出表现的毕业生 contribution to good citizenship during their college career. Dalton was selected 表彰她致力于促进校园团体之间的紧密联系和无私的服务 others throughout her career.

Dalton is on track to graduate in August after completing her biology degree with a minor in psychological science in just over three years. She finished with a 3.90 GPA and made the dean’s list four times.

印第安纳州的费舍尔人在克拉克斯维尔期间参与并一直参与其中. 道尔顿是Chi Omega女性兄弟会的成员,在面包和鱼组织做志愿者, 曾在Austin Peay课程委员会和酒精和其他药物委员会任职 她是克拉克斯维尔学院年轻生活的高中领袖,她认为 one of her most rewarding experiences during her time on campus.

In addition to her campus 道尔顿曾是奥斯汀佩伊足球队的一员 team, appearing in 21 matches and logging over 400 career minutes. She earned the OVC Academic Medal of Honor in 2022 and the soccer program’s Highest GPA Award in 2023.

道尔顿还曾在奥斯汀·皮伊学生运动员咨询委员会(SAAC)任职 为体育系的学生运动员发声并促进 further engagement on campus. As SAAC’s philanthropy chair during her senior year, 她通过协调帮助体育部门和希腊社区团结起来 为特纳英雄和范德比尔特儿童医院筹款. Those 赛事建立了运动员与病人和家属之间的关系 hospital.

有这么多的事情要做,道尔顿很感激校园里那些对她感兴趣的人 在她的学术和运动生涯中,并为她提供指导和指导 college.

“和我一起在学校工作的人都很好,很能配合我的时间安排。” Dalton said. “I’m grateful for Dr. Mollie Cashner, who was my evolution and animal behavior professor. I’ve been able to go to her and have a relationship with her outside of academics, as well as Dr. Cindy Taylor, who was my advisor and has done an incredible job working to set me up for success after my undergraduate degree.”

Making connections on campus allowed Dalton to serve as a voice for students, and working with the Curriculum Committee was a major goal and milestone.

“在课程委员会上,我们必须审查我们想要做出的改变 课程——增加课程,更改课程名称和修改一些材料 within courses,” she said. It’s about trying to figure out what works best for the students and the faculty. It was great to be part of that board and those conversations.”

毕业后,道尔顿将开始申请医师助理(PA)学校 summer. 由于这些申请需要大量的临床时间,她希望能积累起来 她目前是Tennova的急救服务志愿者. 随着她事业的发展,道尔顿将继续展示她的奉献精神,服务精神 and compassion to make the world a better place.