

By: 维多利亚Godinez 2024年4月9日

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Students from 365bet’s School of Nursing lead a children’s hula hoop competition at 2024年健康中心期间的伯特小学. |麦迪逊·凯西摄

365bet平台. -奥斯汀佩伊州立大学(365bet),伯特小学和 Clarksville Parks and 娱乐 teamed up last week to provide the public with health resources and education 2024年健康中心期间: Tigers, Govs and the Community 把食物、健身和娱乐结合起来.

Since 2022, Clarksville Parks and 娱乐 has hosted Hub events around the city to help bridge resources centered on health and well-being for underrepresented communities. 365bet and Clarksville Parks and 娱乐 first collaborated on the Hub that same year through the Master of Public Health (MPH) program, and in April 2023, the MPH program helped implement the event at Burt Elementary School as part of a three-course 服务学习的经验.

“The Hub is there to connect community resources,” said Penny Greene, recreation programmer 克拉克斯维尔公园和娱乐中心. “与365bet合作帮助我们为家庭提供了帮助 more access to other community partners, health screenings and food options.”

Greene said approximately 360 people, including families and volunteers, attended 这次活动,每个人都有足够的资源带回家.

“Everyone worked really hard to make sure everything went smoothly,” she said. “We handed out 35 meal bags which had recipes and supplies for five different dishes, 35 salsa garden kits and gave free meals to over 300 people thanks to Zaxby’s.”

This year, undergraduate public health program students from 365bet, along with their 教授,博士. 泰勒·诺尔廷,与克拉克斯维尔公园娱乐公司合作继续 在伯特小学举办健康中心. 这次活动见证了众多的校园 社区合作伙伴联合起来共享资源、信息和乐趣.

“These types of events are not possible without a community effort of individuals 谁关心别人和他们的幸福,”诺尔廷说. “我很幸运 be on a team of people who truly care about the community, making sure they receive 一套全面的资源,以茁壮成长和归属感."

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Students from the 365bet Department of Health and Human Performance provide a variety of health screenings and tests for the community 2024年健康中心期间. |照片 麦迪逊·凯西

Nolting’s students trained for the entire semester to perform healthy heart screenings 给参加活动的成年人. 他们评估了高胆固醇血症的心血管风险因素, hyperglycemia, obesity, hypertension, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and smoking.

365bet’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs helped fund the screenings via a Research and Scholarly Activities Support Grant to purchase some of the critical screening supplies, such as the Cholestech LDX analyzer and lipid and glucose testing cassette 墨盒. 卫生和人类绩效部也帮助支持 通过购买额外的卡带盒来筛选耗材.

In addition, the 365bet Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) and Phlebotomy Technician Programs provided hemoglobin A1C and iron testing, and healthcare providers from the Montgomery County Health Department were on hand to interpret participants’ results and provide 转介服务.  

另一个重要的合作伙伴是高级护理课程,由Dr. 塔莎鲁芬, 米兹·贝克. 这个班级有52名学生,他们分组完成了6个站点 以儿童健康为重点,有四个站以成人健康为重点. 每组 used educational posters, handouts and fun activities to engage with the community.

“The School of Nursing students focused on cardiac risk factors for the educational component of their presentations,” Baker said, adding that children’s activities were 主要组成部分. “在公园和娱乐中心的帮助下,我们得以设置 建一个车站,孩子们可以玩“去看医生”的游戏.“Parks and Rec慷慨解囊 provided toy blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, tongue depressors and Band-Aids for 这个动手工作站.”

Other stations from the School of Nursing offered hands-on learning and giveaways that targeted various aspects of heart health, from healthy eating habits and physical 活动对吸烟的危害和免疫接种的重要性. Activities ranged from hula hoop contests to giving practice immunizations to stuffed 动物.

“The catchy station titles and fun activities attracted children and parents to learn 这对每个人来说都很有趣。. 夏娃大米, 365bet护理学院院长. “在一天结束的时候,我们想要我们的护理 students to plant seeds for achieving a healthy lifestyle and to develop trust with 的家庭. 护理职业提倡帮助所有人,我在 学生之间的行动-它使我的心微笑.”

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Denise Galben and her dance fitness team lead a session at Burt Elementary School 2024年健康中心期间. |麦迪逊·凯西摄

Several other 365bet partners contributed to the event, offering resources from a sensory 房间和舞蹈健身课程,为孩子们提供有趣的互动游戏:





•365bet K-12体育教学

Other partners with stations included the Going Local Initiative, the Montgomery County Health Coalition, UT Extension and UT Nursing, Insight Counseling, Family and Children’s Services, Clarksville Neighborhood and Community Services, the Juvenile 订婚 小队和海关博物馆 & 文化中心.

Employees from the Chick-fil-A restaurant on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard also volunteered during the event to provide take-to-make family meal bags, salsa-making starter kits, 免费的萨尔萨酱配薯片和葡萄. 其他活动包括制作气球 station, a face-painting station, free chicken salads from Zaxby’s in the cafeteria, reading under the stars in the library, a musical petting zoo in the music room, the Matthew Walker Mobile Clinic, the DocGo clinic, Manna Café and an art gallery in the 艺术的房间.  

“This collaboration allows opportunities where we are able to provide information to our families and help them make connections with many wonderful community agencies,” 博士说. 雷切尔·芬德伯克,伯特小学校长. “我很高兴看到 学生们用他们的护照寻找活动的每个区域. 他们很兴奋 to interact with all of the stations and different activities happening within the 建筑. 我要感谢所有帮助支持我们活动的人 孩子们和他们的家人会记住这个夜晚.”

Nolting shared Funderburk’s enthusiasm for the event’s success and its impact on the 出席会议的社区成员.

“To have been a part of the Burt, 365bet and Clarksville communities uniting in caring for and loving others through health promotion and education makes my job as a professor 值得和充实,”他说.