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Request a Letter of Recommendation

You will need to submit this form once for each recommender who you are requesting a letter of recommendation form.  Please inform your recommender that they will be receiving this form and to check their "spam" and/or "junk" email folder.  If they do not received the form, the paper form below may be submitted to: gradadmissions@best-lasix.com

Letters of Recommendation can also be mailed directly from your recommender to: gradadmissions@best-lasix.com for submission in lieu of the recommendation form.

Please note:  This form cannot be used for admission to Biology Educational Leadership Studies (ELS), or Social Work.  Social Work applicants should submit the Social Work Letter of Reference Form available from the Department of Social Work.

Information About the Applicant
*If you have a maiden or former name, please include it here in order to facilitate admissions processing.
Information About the Recommender
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 provide access to educational records and permit the candidate the right to review and inspect this evaluation and to challenge its contents. The Act also permits the candidate to waive his/her right of access to confidential statements obtained with respect to an application for admission or employment. By submitting this request for an electronic letter of recommendation, you waive your right to access this evaluation. If you do not wish to waive your right to access this evaluation, please use the paper copy of this form linked above.