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Interested in an EES degree with a concentration in Geology?

Career Information

By choosing to concentration in geology you will gain access to an exciting and dynamic wealth of career possibilities. Geology is the study of the Earth, and individuals with knowledge of geology are needed in areas of research, industry, and government. Geologists impact society in many ways, such as protecting citizens from natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, and volcanoes. Some geologists work to sustainably develop energy and mineral resources. Whereas other geologists work to predict Earth’s systems from local weather patterns to global climate change. Some geologists work in areas of public outreach and education.  Still some geologists advise policymakers on important decisions that may affect society in a number of ways.

Finding a career in the Earth and Environmental Sciences is not often a direct path. Below are some resources to help you envision what sort of geoscientist you may become some day. It’s a great idea to visit some of these resources early in your pursuit of a Earth and Environmental Sciences degree at 365bet. It’s an even better idea to keep coming back to these resources as you progress through your education. Each time you visit, think about how you see yourself contributing to the world, and what steps you should take to work in that direction.

People of Earth

Choose your own geoscience adventure

AGI Geoscience Careers

Geological Society of America Career Development Webinars

US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook for Geoscientists


Internships and Summer Jobs 

While working towards your degree, you should strongly consider finding an internship or summer job. These opportunities will give you a chance to trial an area that you’re considering pursuing after you graduate. From this experience you may learn if you really like doing that line of work. You might try something new and learn that you love it. Many opportunities include pay, as well as accommodations to live in a new area. Importantly, these opportunities give you a chance to network with new individuals who may help you into a career someday. 

Links for Internships and Summer Jobs 

Graduate School

If you’re interested in pursuing an advanced degree, a good place to start is by watching this webinar on Navigating the Graduate School Search and Admission Process

Links for Job Searches


AIPG Job Board

Environmental Jobs and Careers (ZipRecruiter)

Careermine (Jobs in Mining/Mineral Exploration)

Geology Jobs in Tennessee (Indeed.com)

GSA Job Board

Gneiss Jobs for Geos