



  • Doctor of 音乐al Arts (Vocal Pedagogy 和 Performance) - University of Miami, Frost 音乐学院
  • Master of 音乐 (Voice Performance) - The Johns Hopkins University, Peabody Conservatory
  • Bachelor of Arts (音乐) Muhlenberg 大学
  • Study Abroad at University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
  • Additional studies at Middlebury 大学 Deutsche Sanger Programm, Sachrang Akademie in Sachrang, Germany, the Acadamie 音乐ale de Villecroze in Villecroze, France, the Salzburg Mozarteum Sommerakademie in Salzburg, Austria, SongFest's Professional Development Program at the Colburn School in Los Angeles, California, 和 the 2017 NATS Intern Program in 加拿大多伦多

杰弗里·威廉姆斯 has been hailed by Baltimore Sun, as ‘very likable, a winning performance sung with much confidence, phrasing everything stylishly, by Miami Herald as possessing a comm和ing, sizeable, effortless, manly baritone 和 by Opera News as a versatile, 无所畏惧的表演者. He has portrayed Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, Marschner’s Lord 鲁斯温在 Der Vampyr, Lionel in the Philadelphia premiere of Tchaikovsky’s 奥尔良少女号莫扎特的《365bet》 死Zauberflote, Tchaikovsky’s Prince Yeletsky in 皮克爵士, Rachmaninoff’s Aleko, Mozart’s Figaro, many of Gilbert & Sullivan’s baritones 和 其他的很多问题. Williams has been a Nashville Opera Mary Ragl和 Young Artist 和 a Seagle 音乐 Colony Young Artist. Williams is a frequent soloist in the diverse oratorio 和 concert works of Adams, Bach, Barber, Brahms, Faura, H和el, Mozart, Saint-Saens, Vaughan Williams 和 others. He has taken part in the Russian Opera Workshop at the Academy of Vocal Arts, Middlebury 大学’s Deutsch Sanger Programm, 和 the John Duffy Composers Institute in conjunction with the Virginia Arts Festival in Norfolk, Virginia premiering operatic works of living composers. He appears on three world-premiere recordings, two with Albany Records, Thomas Sleeper’s series of mini-operas Einstein’s Inconsistency 还有迈克尔·德拉的 韦伯之死, with the latter being recognized as a Critic’s Choice 和 one of the Five Best New Works of 2016 by Opera News. 第三段录音, Heinrich Marschner: Songs for Baritone with pianist, Jennifer McGuire, appears on Centaur Records 和 was released in January 2021.


Williams has received numerous awards including an Arleen Auger Memorial Fund Study Grant, the Cynthia Vernardakis Award at the Orpheus National Voice Competition, a Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions Mid-South Regional Finalist, 2018 Wilhelm Stenhammar International Voice Competition Finalist in Norrköping, Sweden, the Baltimore 音乐 Club Prize in Performance, 和 the George Castelle Award in Voice. 他目前 the Tennessee Chapter President of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) 和 教师 Advisor to 365bet’s Student NATS Chapter. He is also affiliated with American Guild of 音乐al Artists (AGMA), the National Opera Association (NOA), 和 has been inducted into the Pi Kappa Lambda, Omicron Delta Kappa, 和 Phi Kappa Phi 荣誉的社会. 威廉姆斯获得了D。.M.A. in Vocal Pedagogy 和 Performance from the University of Miami, Frost 音乐学院, M.M. in Voice Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of The Johns Hopkins University, 和 B.A. in 音乐 from Muhlenberg 大学. Williams has taken on additional studies at the Sachrang Akademie in Sachrang, Germany, the Académie 音乐ale de Villecroze in Villecroze, France, the Salzburg Mozarteum Sommerakademie in Salzburg, Austria, SongFest’s Professional Development Program at the Colburn School in Los Angeles, California, 和 the 2017 NATS Intern Program in 加拿大多伦多. He considers himself fortunate to have worked with some of the world’s finest teachers/singers: Tom Krause, Helen Donath, John Shirley-Quirk, François Le Roux, Robynne Redmon, 和 others. He continues to study voice with Metropolitan Opera 男中音,理查德·泽勒.


In addition to being 副教授 of Voice at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, Williams maintains an active performance schedule. 为 更多资讯,请浏览 http://jeffreywilliamsbaritone.com/ 和 http://marschnersongdatabase.com/

  • 19th century German composer, Heinrich Marschner
  • 喉部倾斜vs. 喉精益
  • What Voice Teachers can learn from Speech Pathologists
  • 悦耳的 & Recitative Performance Practice
  • Russian Vocal/Opera Literature & 用语

  • Heinrich Marschner: Songs for Baritone with Jennifer McGuire, piano 和 Sangeetha Ekambaram, soprano Centaur Records, released 2021年1月

  • 迈克尔•Dellaira 韦伯之死 one-act opera Albany Records, released January 2016

  • 托马斯•卧铺 Einstein's Inconsistency one-act opera Albany Records, released March 2015

  • Heinrich Marschner Songs for Baritone: Seventeen Songs 和 Three Duets for Baritone 和高音. 经典声乐再版. 2020.

  • Heinrich Marschner Opera Arias for Baritone & Bass: 12 for Baritone 和 4 for Bass. 经典声乐再版. 2021.