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Dr. Anuradha Pathiranage

Organic and General Chemistry

Pathiranage in Classroom


  • General Chemistry
  • Brief organic chemistry
  • Organic chemistry

Research interests

  • Organic synthesis
  • Natural product extraction and isolation


  • Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of new cinnamic acid derivatives as anticancer agents.
  • Designing, synthesis and molecular modeling of cyclopropyl peptidomimetics as potential HIV Protease inhibitors.

cyclopropyl peptidomimetics molecular model

  • Extraction, isolation of natural product with anticancer activity.
  • Chemical education research to enhancement of student learning effectiveness in organic chemistry laboratory.


  • Dunlap, N,; Lankford, K. R.; Liyana Pathiranage, A .; Taylor, J.; Reddy, N.; Gouger, D.; Singer, P.; Griffin, K.; Reibenspies, J. Three-step synthesis of cyclopropyl peptidomimetics, Org. Lett, 2011, 13, 4879-4881. [10.1021/ol201828u]
  •  Dunlap, N.; Salyard, T. L. J.; Liyana Pathiranage, A.; Stubblefield, J.; Pitts, S. L.; Ashley, R. E.; Oshero, N. Synthesis and evaluation of ether-linked dimethyl epi-podophyllotoxin dimers, Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett, 2014, 24(24), 5627-5629. [doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2014.10.082. Epub 2014 Nov 1.]
  •  Liyana Pathiranage, A.; Stubblefield, J. M., Zhou, X.; Miao, J., Newsome, A. L, Dunlap, N. Antitrypanosomal activity of iridals from Iris domestica, Phytochem Lett, 2016, 18, 44-50.[ http://doi.org/10.1016/j.phytol.2016.08.025]
  •  Liyana Pathiranage, A.; Martin, L. J.; Osborne, Macy.; Meaker, K. Esterification, purification and identification of cinnamic acid esters. J Lab Chem Educ, 2018, 6(5), 156-158. [10.5923/j.jlce.20180605.03]


Liyana Pathiranage, A.; Dunlap. N.; Newsome, A.; Stubblefield, J. Anti-trypanosomal compounds and methods. Patent number: WO 2017004215 A1; Application Number: PCT/US2016/040112

Research Students

Dr. Anuradha Pathiranage Research Students

Kirsten Meaker, Macy Osborne presenting their research at ACS Regional Meeting SERMACS, November 2017 Charlotte, NC.