

Student and Temporary Help Employee Timesheets


  • 的 WTE process allows employees to enter their time worked on a web based time sheet and allows supervisors to approve their work time. 这是可用的24/7进入 和查看.

  • 的 employee’s WTE time sheet will be available on the fourth work一天 of each pay 期. If you don’t have a WTE time sheet and this is your first one, wait and check 过几天再回来.  的 timesheet will create automatically, once your job has been 系统中的设置.  If it is within 3 一天s of the timesheets being due please contact 人力资源.   

  • Employees should enter time worked throughout 支付期限, review their time sheet to ensure it is correct and submit for approval at the end of 支付期限. 它是 very important that entries for time worked be entered weekly at a minimum.  不 wait until the end of the reporting 期 to input hours worked.

  • Once the employee’s hours have been correctly recorded, submitted for approval and approved by the approver(s) it is ready to be processed by payroll. 如果时间是 not correct, the approver can send the timesheet back for correction or correct the 带批注的时间表.

  • WTE time sheets will always be associated with one of the following transaction statuses:

    • 没有开始 – Time sheet has not been opened by employee.

    • 在进行中 – Employee has opened time sheet and may or may not have entered hours.

    • 等待 – Time sheet has been submitted for approval.

    • 返回校正 – Time sheet has been returned for correction by the approver to the employee.

    • 批准 – Time sheet has been approved by the approver and is ready for payroll processing.

  • You may always check the status of your time sheet on the Time Sheet Selection screen.


  • 点击Web自助服务

万仕达 snippet showing Web Self Service

  • Log in using your Banner ID and Password that you currently use when signing on to 你的电脑. Contact the help desk if you experience problems with your Username 或密码.
  • At the next screen, click on “Employee” Tab.

Snippet showing Employee tab in Web Self Service

  • 点击时间表

Snippet showing time sheet link in employee tab

  • Click on Access my Timesheet and click select


  • Select the position and pay 期 you want to enter hours.
  • If you have multiple positions, it is extremely important that you select the correct position to enter hours- click the my choice option.
  • 一定 you select the correct pay 期.

Snippet showing how to select pay 期


  • Click on Enter 小时 for the 一天 you need to enter work hours. 时间和时间 我们的表单将会出现. You must enter your Time In and Time Out hours at the same time. If you work a split shift or take a lunch break, you will enter each work 期 sepa率ly.


  • Time must be entered in 15 minute intervals in the 99:99 format. 例如:10:00; 10:15, 10:30 or 10:45.
  • 请使用下表四舍五入

Actual time on clock       Rounded time


  • After entering your hours, click Save and your total hours for the 一天 will be automatically 计算


By Federal Law if you are scheduled 6 hours or more you must take a 30 minute unpaid, 不间断的休息.  

  • You may then select Next Day or go back to Time Sheet. 任何一个选项都会提示您 to continue entering until all hours worked for 支付期限 have been recorded.
  • You may enter hours and logout of the system as often as needed during 支付期限.
  • Select 复制 to copy hours to other 一天s (for 一天s when your work schedule is exactly the same).


  • Click Timesheet to return to summary page.  小时 are now copied to the 一天s selected


  • 你可以使用 评论 button to enter any additional information (optional).  保存,然后单击上一页 Menu


  • 预览 button will allow you to view your time sheet in a landscape format for the entire 月.


  • Do one of the following to correct entry errors:

重启按钮 – will clear the entire time sheet and allow you to start all over again. 如果你输入 hours on the wrong time sheet, click the restart button to clear the hours and then go to the correct time sheet and reenter hours.


 删除按钮 -将清除当天的条目.


  • You may use your cursor to change the time within the Time In Time Out Box. 一定 要重新保存.
  • 不输入零来校正时间. 这将产生问题或错误.
  • Enter your time worked throughout 支付期限 instead of waiting until the last minute and entering it all at the same time. 工作时间必须每周填写一次 a minimum and more frequently as required by your supervisor. Waiting until the end of the 期 could jeopardize your pay if you are out unexpectedly 应提交周工作时间.
  • 的 payroll system will automatically calculate any hours over 40 at the average overtime 率.
  • 如果你过早地 提交审批, you must contact your supervisor/approver to return your time sheet to you.
  • 按日期提交 on your Time Sheet is the 一天 after your Approver must have your time sheet to payroll. You must submit your time to your approver by Mon一天 at 11:59 pm after the end of 支付期限.  You will submit time every other Mon一天.


的re are two options if you forget to submit your time you will need to 完成手动时间表 to be processed either on the supplemental payroll or the following pay一天 or you may enter adjusted hours on the next timesheet to be paid the next pay一天. 

If you submit the hours on the next time sheet, each 一天 is entered on a sepa率 一天.  的n under comments you enter the dates the adjusted time was actually worked.

